Welcome to OrlandoCockers.Com 
All our Dogs and Puppies are AKC Registered.
Milo Jameson - "Milo"
Hey, thanks for checking me out - I'm Milo! I'm a silver cocker born on 8/1/2020 right here at Orlandocockers! I'm a sweet and smart loving boy who picks up new commands and tricks quickly! I am playful for hours until I run out of gas - then it is cuddle time again! I get along with all my 4 legged family as well as the 2 legged variety.
Above on the left is my Mom Jewelz - a black tipped sable cocker. To the right is Bolt - a red cocker
That is Mom with me and my siblings - there were 6 of us! I'm the pup with the orange collar above.
Above as a newborn, 2 weeks and then 4 weeks old
6 week old glamour shots!
All of us just before we went home!
Look at me, I'm 3 months old now and with my new family!
Loving my new home!
6 months old now!
I am growing fast! Still just as loving and playful as ever..
We share our couch with humans, if you bring treats! With best buds Django and Kona!
Milo is now 1 year old!
Looking good Mr Milo at 2 years old now!