Welcome to OrlandoCockers.Com 
All our Dogs and Puppies are AKC Registered.
Gemma Aria Rose
My name is Gemma, I'm a third generation orlandocockers girl. My grandma is Cheri who was bred by Shanz cockers in Idaho, and my Mom is Glory. I was born here in Florida on 11/13/21 and I was the only pup in the litter! Gemma is a cuddler and a curious girl. Never a lap that doesn't get sat upon nor a leaf left unexplored. She loves to run and bound everywhere, she never walks. Her gentle personality and impressive eyebrows warm our souls and gladden our hearts. What a joy she is in our family!
Above, my Mom Glory, and my Dad Dakota
My newborn pictures - since I was the only one in the litter, a squeaky pig filled in for a litter mate!
Glory and her pups Gemma at 2 weeks old and 6 weeks old
8 weeks old beauty!
My mom is my best friend - Gemma 6 months old and Glory 3 years old!
Gemma is 18 months old now!
Gemma at 2 year old. Shown with Grandma Cheri in the left picture, and with Mama Glory in the right picture!
Check back often for new pictures!