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Cocker Spaniels Ear Care Information
Cockers are prone to ear infection because there is little air going into the ear. This is a sure fire way to get an ear infection. While the vets sell products to help, their solution doesn't always work. We have been using a home made recipe for many years. The ingredients you'll need are white vinegar, powdered boric acid, rubbing alcohol and betadine. Most can be found at walmart. Boric acid may need to be order by pharmacies such as the medicine shoppe. Also, go to Sally Beauty supply and get yourself a plastic bottle with measurements for ounces on it. This will help making the solution. We make 8 oz at a time. It is simple to make the solution:
- 6 oz of alcohol, 1/2 tsp of boric acid, 2 oz of white vinegar and one teaspoon of betadine. Give it a good shake and you are set.
Simply squirt some in the dogs ears, and play with the dog for a few minutes to help ensure they don't run. My vet recommends using some gauze wrapped around your finger to clean out the visible part of the ear canal. You can also go just slightly into the ear. No further than an inch or how far you finger will comfortably fit. Do not put any pressure on their ear! Continue wiping with gauze that has some of this cleaner on it until your dogs ears are clean. I do my dogs ears once a month, the same time I do their heartworm medication and flea prevention. But I always make a habit to rub my dogs ears when I play with them. You'll quickly smell a bad scent if anything is starting. If in doubt, it won't hurt to use this every day until the smell goes away.
Always consult your vet if you think there there is a scent that continues for several days. The dog might need antibiotics. This recipe can also be found at another cocker site - www.zimfamilycockers.com, located in California.